The PhD course deals with the juridical and social complexity of cultural heritage policies in an interdisciplinary perspective strongly oriented to understand the regulatory dimension.
The main objective of the course is to train PhD students in dealing with the patrimonial issue regarding the legal and social aspects. From this point of view, religious heritage is one of the most complex types of patrimony, implying canonical, ecclesiastical, administrative and covenant law matters.
The didactic objective will be pursued with lectures and interdisciplinary debates, which will consider the historical-architectural and historical-landscape themes (with attention to the themes of historical knowledge and the conservation of religious heritage), with particular attention to the disciplines of administrative law, law canon and religious sociology, with the direct voice of stakeholder representatives and holders of the objects being studied. Ongoing research projects will be presented critically to doctoral students.
Andrea Longhi (coordinator), Rosario Ceravolo, Carla Bartolozzi, Chiara Calderini
Centro Conservazione e Restauro di Venaria, CEI – Conferenza Episcopale Italiana