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The lifelong-learning course financed by the National Institute of Social Security (INPS) Methods and techniques for resilient territories was created to meet the public administration practitioners' need to better understand and frame integrated strategies to implement urban resilience in local policies. In this perspective, the lifelong-learning course provides the necessary interdisciplinary bridges, linking an integrated perspective on urban resilience to the management tools needed to design and implement city resilience.

The participants at the “Methods and techniques for resilient territories” course have been among 20 public administration workers from different governmental institutions, i.e. the City of Turin, the Turin Metropolitan City, the City of Settimo Torinese, the City of Moncalieri, the City of Cossato, the City of Saluzzo, the Vercelli Province, the Biella Province, and the Novara Province.
The course had a duration of 80 hours, and it has been structured around two modules of activities. The first was structured in 40 hours of theoretical lectures aimed at construct a conceptual framework to develop cultural innovation among the governmental institutions that lead the territorial government issues by a specific know-how on urban planning, management and projecting resilience.
In this perspective, urban resilience is being addressed by different disciplines and from a wide range of perspectives.
The second part of the course was the practical activity (40 hours) which has been focused on how to implement resilience in the governance of the City of Turin.
The area selected for exercise has been the new site for the “Parco della Salute, della ricerca e dell'innovazione” hub, near the Lingotto area and new skyscraper of the Piedmont Region Government.
In the exercise, the 20 participants were grouped in four multidisciplinary teams and they proposed different approaches on how to properly assess, represent, plan, evaluate, and monitor specific actions towards adaptation to the city changes thank to the design of green and blue infrastructures, welfare infrastructures and mobility infrastructures. 

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Executive Trainings
Luogo e data: 
Torino, I edition April - June 2018 - II edition May - July 2019 
Altre info: 

Grazia Brunetta
