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Undergraduate Level

Strategic Planning for the Resilient City: Approaches, Projects and Innovative Attempts in the City of Copenhagen
COPENHAGEN, 11-13/09/2019

The field-trip offers an in-depth study of the concept of resilience, a new paradigm of spatial planning that requires the introduction of new areas of action to contrast urban fragilities and environmental emergencies. It strengthens the skills and responsibilities of future urban planners who will have to face a renewed role of the profession to regulate anthropic transformations in the environment following a resilient perspective.

It includes the technical visit to Copenhagen’s resilient urban projects and the participation in the first days of the Summer School on Urban Resilience organized by the University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University Denmark and BloxHub, and supported by the Responsible Risk Resilience Centre - R3C of Politecnico di Torino.

The workshop experience also led to the creation of the resilient travels project, a student made initiative visitable at  

Year Book 2019-2020


Grazia Brunetta (coordinator), Guglielmina Mutani, Umberto Janin Rivolin, Ombretta Caldarice

University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University Denmark

City of Copenhagen, BloxHub Nordic Hub for Sustainable Urbanisation


Regional Risk and Cultural Heritage. Planning the Risk Prevention and Regeneration of Religious Heritage
PARMA, 15-18/11/2019

The workshop was organized by the “Pianificazione e Progettazione” School of the Politecnico di Torino, during academic year 2019/2020. The workshop was coordinated by Andrea Longhi and was held in Turin and in the Diocese of Parma.

The main topic of the workshop was to investigate the relationship between regional risk and cultural heritage. The location was the diocese of Parma’s, characterized by a widespread presence of religious cultural heritage, prone to multiple risks (seismic area, landslides, floods, and hydrogeological risk) and to dynamics of rural depopulation and abandonment of urban settlements.

The workshop included a set of lectures on historical-territorial knowledge and planning, in addition to investigations and participative activities with local communities, with the aim of providing a more holistic understanding of the site and creating bonds between local risks and local perception of cultural and landscape values of the widespread heritage.

Year Book 2019-2020

Andrea Longhi (coordinator), Grazia Brunetta, Angioletta Voghera, Silvia Beltramo, Silvia Crivello, Rosario Ceravolo

Giulia De Lucia, Benedetta Giudice


Ufficio Nazionale per i Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici e l’Edilizia di Culto della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, Diocesi di Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma.


Sustainable Buildings and Urban Infrastructures
Torino, 3-11/01/2020

The educational objective of this international joint workshop is to study methods, tools and indexes associated with the sustainability of cities and territories. Organized with the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Maryland, it relies on the collaboration between a multidisciplinary group of lecturers from three PoliTO departments (DIST, DENERG and DIATI) and a professor from University of Maryland.  The workshop is made up of 10 days of seminars, and is mainly organized with theoretical lessons and exercises in the morning, and guided visits in the afternoon on the following topics:

  • tools and methods for assessing the sustainability of the civil and transport sectors on a territorial scale;
  • international protocols on environmental sustainability;
  • recycling materials in road construction

Year Book 2019-2020

Guglielmina Mutani (coordinator), Marco Bassani, Dimitrios Goulias, Luca Staricco

The University of Maryland

Comune di Chamois (AO)


Resilient Design Projects of Nature in France and Italy
Torino, 20-24/01/2020 - Grenoble, 24-28/02/2020

The design workshop aims to develop a process of urban and architectural planning and enhancement of existing cultural heritage, in order to define spatial scenarios and representations for resilience cooperating with local actors. The topics refer to the international experimentations in resilient urban planning, such as Trames Vertes et Bleues, and projects of nature in the city and urban regeneration. The practical design experimentations will be developed in two different territorial contexts: in Grenoble and in the Metropolitan city of Turin. PoliTO students will have the opportunity to co-work in groups with students from the ENSAG and IUGA. Various public and private stakeholders will be invited to participate in the discussion and in the planning process. The teamwork activities contribute to defining design scenarios. The results of the workshop will be part of a publication and a final exhibition.

Year Book 2019-2020

Angioletta Voghera (coordinator), Andrea Longhi, Davide Rolfo, Roberta Ingaramo (PoliTO); Gilles Novarina, Julie Martin (ENSAG); Natacha Seignereut (IUGA)

Benedetta Giudice, Stefania Guarini, Gabriella Negrini

ENSAG - Architecture, Environnement et Cultures Constructives, Université Grenoble Alpes - Institut d’Urbanisme, Grenoble Alpes Métropole


Sustainability of urban landscapes - La sostenibilità ambientale dei paesaggi urbani
TORINO, 11/03/2021 - 6/05/2021

The Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) organized an international workshop with the participation of Italian and international expert researchers. The objective was to investigate methods, tools and indexes for promoting the sustainability of cities and urban landscapes. The teaching staff was a multidisciplinary group of four departments (DIST, DENERG, DIATI and DAD) of the Politecnico di Torino, professors and researchers from the University of Maryland, the Senseable City Lab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, the Ryerson University (CA), the University of Southern Denmark SDU, and the Idiap Research Institute in Switzerland.

Working within a multidisciplinary group of teachers and students enabled more learning channels to be activated.
The cycle of conferences was divided into nine days of seminars (5 hours each on Thursday afternoon). The seminars focused on the environmental sustainability of cities and building heritage and on the infrastructure in the urban environment. Each seminar was organized by a group of teachers who will also present some case studies. In addition, a virtual tour was organized at the Green Pea in Turin, the first Green Retail Park dedicated to the theme of Respect.

The international joint workshop was proposed by Guglielmina Mutani from DENERG Department. Other professors and collaborators of the Politecnico di Torino involved were: Grazia Brunetta, Angioletta Voghera, Ombretta Caldarice, Francesco Fiermonte from DIST Department, Roberta Ingaramo from DAD, Marco Bassani from DIATI, Valeria Todeschi, Silvia Santantonio, Simone Beltramino from DENERG. Other external professors involved were: Jerome Kaempf and Roberto Boghetti from Idiap Research Institute, Dimitrios Goulias from University of Maryland (USA), Umberto Fugiglando from Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT (USA), Umberto Berardi from Ryerson University (Canada), Nicola Tollin from University of Southern Denmark SDU.

The initiative was supported by the Responsible Risk Resilience Center - R3C of Politecnico di Torino.


TEACHING STAFF Guglielmina Mutani (Coordinator), Grazia Brunetta, Jerome Kaempf and Roberto Boghetti, Dimitrios Goulias, Umberto Fugiglando, Umberto Berardi, Nicola Tollin

ACADEMIC PARTNER University of Maryland (USA), Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT (USA), Ryerson University (Canada), Idiap Research Institute, University of Southern Denmark SDU

LANGUAGE Italian/English