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Giornata Nazionale dei Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici: Beni culturali ecclesiastici e rischio: percorsi di prevenzione e pianificazione. Presentazione dei primi esiti del progetto

The methodological premises and the first results of the RPR research project were presented in L' Aquila during the National Day of Ecclesiastical Heritage promoted by the National Office for Ecclesiastical Heritage and Worship Buildings of the Italian Conference of Bishops (19 September 2019). The event held in the special location of the city of L'Aquila, for the tenth anniversary of the 2009 earthquake that severely struck the city. During this seismic event, many churches were destroyed and damaged, and now the reconstruction is over for a part of them. For this reason, R3C research group was very honoured to present the project RPR in this special occasion. The project deals with the risk evaluation and protection for the ecclesiastical cultural heritage, and has a particular focus on the seismic risk that is particularly high in Italy and each seismic event causes the loss of several historic architectures for every event.