SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 - Bloxhub Summer School on Urban Resilience
We are delighted to inform that R3C is a supporting partner and promotes the Summer School on Urban Resilience organized by SDU – University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University Denmark and BloxHub.
During the Summer School, specific lectures will be tenured also by Prof. Grazia Brunetta and Dr. Ombretta Caldarice that are among the Expert Committee of the School.
The summer school will bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, during an intensive eight days course from 12-19 September 2019 in Copenhagen.
The summer school aims at providing multi-disciplinary knowledge and perspectives on the different global and local challenges in cities of the Global South and the Global North.
Through lectures and problem-based workshops using Copenhagen’s real-life experience and challenges as a living laboratory, the participants will also gain necessary skills and knowledge to develop informed policies, strategies, plans and solutions for urban resilience.