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R3C provides the opportunity to apply for Ph.D. scolarhips in order to mainstream resilience by the best scientific evidence available for candidates with strong background in research. The current Phd positions include the following topics:

Ph.D. positions of 2020:

  • Architectural Heritage Resilience: Toolkit, Scenarios and Evaluation Processes (Ph.D. in Architectural and Landscape Heritage)
  • Modelling industrial risks within a multihazard framework for the resilience of the territories (Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering)
  • Strategic Planning for Energy-Resilient Territories and Cities (Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Development)

Ph.D. position of 2021:

  • Knowledge Approaches for Transformative Resilience. Adaptation Strategies and Projects for Urban Regeneration (National Doctoral School in Sustainable Development and Climate Change)
Postgraduate Level
Luogo e data: 
2020 - ONGOING