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PRIN - TRIALs [ONGOING] | Transformative Resilience for Inner Areas and Local communities. Strategies and actions for disaster risk reduction and post-disaster recovery

The project TRIALs is underpinned by studies developed in recent years on the Inner Areas, the multi-risk condition, and resilience. The project moves from Central-Italy Inner Areas, where the research group collected, processed, and shared a wide range of data and research projects on the hydro-geological, environmental, infrastructural, economic, and socio-demographic context, and its development scenarios. This capital of knowledge and information represents the project’s starting point. Inner Areas become a reference for the Italian sustainable and resilient restart in the Plan for Recovery and Resilience frame. In a critical perspective of spatial planning, resilience is a broad concept whose final purpose is to prevent and manage unforeseen events and improve territorial systems' environmental and social quality to foster innovation. This perspective highlights an evolutionary approach defined as transformative resilience, helping to maintain and quickly return to functions, adapt to change, and transform the components that limit the capacity for evolution in response to present and future shocks. The project innovates planning guidelines for building back better. The guidelines will be based on places' potential defining territorial development scenarios under the banner of transformative resilience. The Italian path to transformative resilience is hindered by a gap between land-use planning and planning for managing the recovery process, drawn up each time from scratch. The project moves from the most recent research advancements on the potential of local biographies and participatory techniques. In this frame, planning by scenarios experiments a resilience-in-action, offering communities a perspective to identify future developments in a multirisk age.

Interaction among experts is crucial for the project. Five RUs develop the project offering specific competencies oriented to the urban planning perspective. Experts in mathematics, architectural technology, real estate management, sociology and communication, building science, drawing, and earth science will transfer their knowledge to the project. These are wide-ranging skills ensuring sharing between RUs and a high degree of multidisciplinary collaboration. TRIALs’ll apply on two municipalities as pilot experiences, Norcia and Camerino. The elements that will make the experience replicable in other Inner Areas with multi-hazard problems are: the territorial perspective adopted helps to go beyond the simple search for innovation within a specific economic cluster or a particular community; the project's structure combines context analysis and the available/desirable innovation opportunities with an actual application on two case studies; the in-depth examination of national issues with significant implications at local levels (multi-risk dimension, construction of community biographies, participatory action research, raise resilience to hazards).


Funding Institution

PRIN - 2022


Scientific Referent R3C

Prof. Grazia Brunetta

