The summer school aims at providing the participants with the latest knowledge on urban resilience research, practice and policies through lectures; and to co-develop their skills and knowledge on planning for urban resilience using Copenhagen’s real-life experience and challenges as a living laboratory, through a problem-based workshops.
The summer school goal is to bring together multi-disciplinary knowledge and perspectives, from science and practice, on the different global and local challenges faced by cities, and to provide a process design methodology and the necessary skills to developed informed policies, strategies, plans and solutions for urban resilience, that can be later used in the specific context of work of the participants.
The lectures provides an overview on major international policies in relation to urban resilience (Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement, New Urban Agenda and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction), key practices worldwide including those developed in the frame of major international organizations (e.g. UNFCCC Secretariat, UNDRR, UNESCO, UN-Habitat City Resilience Profiling Program, ICLEI, WWF), and the latest developments and perspectives for research.
The workshop gives the opportunity to the participants to engage, through group work, with real-life problems and challenges faced by The City of Copenhagen, and to develop a strategy and action plan following a process design methodology, that includes specific methods as system analysis, forecasting, vision and backcasting of future scenarios, monitoring and evaluation.
Nicola Tollin (SDU)
Grazia Brunetta | Ombretta Caldarice