BCE-RPR [ONGOING] | Ecclesiastical cultural heritage: risk assessment and planning of prevention and regeneration
In collaboration with the National Office of Cultural Heritage and Ecclesiastical Buildings of the Italian Conference of Bishops, the project aims to offer an organic view of the natural and anthropic risks that affect the ecclesiastical building heritage.
The protection of this heritage against risks is becoming increasingly important because it concerns not only the material conservation of buildings and their artistic value, but also the social and memorial values they represent for local communities. Italy’s numerous churches are constantly threatened by inaccurate maintenance that increases their vulnerability. The project aims to investigate the development of a shared strategy to support decisions on the preservation and development of ecclesiastical heritage through a multidisciplinary approach that involves a multi-scalar analysis of the problem.
The research involves different disciplines, sensitivities and professional skills: from architectural historians and experts in the ecclesiastical heritage field to engineers, urban planners and environmental sociologists.
The project was presented at the 2018 Koiné seminar hosted in Naples from the 15th to the 17th of September. The contribution is presented in the e-book Patrimonio culturale ecclesiastico, rischio e prevenzione. Analisi e politiche territoriali per un approccio multiscalare al rischio sismico by Giulia De Lucia and Andrea Longhi, published by Dist, Politecnico di Torino in 2019.
The e-book is available at this address
Specific project goals
The project was supported by a research agreement with the the National Office of Cultural Heritage and Ecclesiastical Buildings of the Italian Conference of Bishops and aims to achieve three goals:
- Investigation of the consistency and density of religious cultural heritage in Italy and preliminary assessment of the risk categories to which it is subjected.
- Development of a method to obtain a priority scale for structural, maintenance and risk reduction interventions on a regional and local scale.
- Foreseeability and enhancement of strategies that include risk assessment in the ordinary life of local communities to improve their resilience.
Project presentation
The project has been presented at Politecnico di Torino during the R3C Kick-Off meeting and officially presented during the National Day of the Italian Conference of Bishops entitled “Manutenzione e Prevenzione. La tutela delle persone” held in L' Aquila from the 19th to the 20th of September 2019.
The project was also presented at FRH Biennial Conference 2021: "Continuity in Care and Safeguarding" | Brussels, Belgium
First results of the project:
Main objectives of the project, research tools and first results are described in the
Other scientific contribution and publications:
Giulia De Lucia, La conoscenza storica per la valutazione delle vulnerabilità del patrimonio culturale ecclesiastico: un approccio sistemico per strategie di valorizzazione e rigenerazione, in «BDC – Bollettino del Centro Calza Bini – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II», 19, 1/2019, pp. 9-26. https://doi.org/10.6092/2284-4732/7061
Giulia De Lucia, Patrimonio ecclesiastico, rischio e pianificazione: un approccio a scala vasta alla cura e alla prevenzione, in «IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l’architettura», vol. 12, n. 6, 2021, pp. 120-135. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/11215
Andrea Longhi, Patrimonio ecclesiale, territorio e società: strumenti di conoscenza e dibattito storico-critico, in «IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l’architettura», vol. 12, n. 6, 2021, pp. 46-59. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/12352
Andrea Longhi, Giulia De Lucia, Ecclesiastical cultural heritage: risk assessment and planning of prevention and regeneration, poster e video presentati al congresso 2021 di Future for Religious heritage (FRH), Europe’s Living Religious Heritage, sessione Continuity in Care and Safeguarding: https://www.frh-europe.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Poster-FRH_Longhi.pdf
Project period
(2018 - ongoing)
Andrea Longhi
Disciplinar Scientific Referents
Grazia Brunetta, Angioletta Voghera, Rosario Ceravolo, Silvia Crivello
Operative Scientific Coordinator
Giulia De Lucia
Specific Research groups
Territorial studies: Benedetta Giudice, Stefano Salata
Seismic analysis: Martina Milandri, Anna Sblano, Erica Lenticchia
Cultural heritage: Silvia Beltramo, Erica Meneghin, Elena Contarin, Lorenzo Mondino