RETURN - Spoke TS1 [ONGOING] | multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate
The spoke´s research aim is the development of a conceptual and methodological framework for the holistic understanding and modelling of multi-risk in urban and metropolitan areas (including peri-urban and neighboring rural components). Interdisciplinary approaches will be devised to describe the interplay of functions and interactions of physical and socio-ecological systems exposed to multiple hazards and resulting in complex and emerging risks. This will allow to address vulnerabilities, assess and forecast impacts and analyze risks in a dynamic perspective. TS1 will enable to harmonize DRR and CCA strategies, within a comprehensive risk management framework tailored to urban and metropolitan areas, contributing Annex 1 6 to increase resilience and mainstreaming sustainable climate-neutrality. Concepts and methods will be exemplified and tested in a series of urban labs with different stakeholders, highlighting the replication potential. The spoke´s main scientific objective is the development of an interdisciplinary framework for the comprehensive management of multi-risk in urban and metropolitan areas. Common taxonomies and functional models will allow to describe the exposed socio-ecological systems and their physical and systemic vulnerability. Innovative multi-risk assessment methodologies will be explored to enable synergic risk mitigation and adaptation strategies. A roadmap to systemic transformation will be developed to enable green transition and circular urban metabolism. Urban labs exemplifying realistic scenarios will enable testing and validation.
Project Period
(2022 - Ongoing)
Angioletta Voghera
Research Group
Angioletta Voghera
Grazia Brunetta
Manuela Rebaudengo