Risk - Analysis of Territorial Vulnerabilities
How to reduce environmental and socio-economic vulnerabilities?
Resilience is the key to turn risks into opportunity
By studying environmental and socio-economic vulnerabilities of territorial systems, clearly appears the relevance of a resilient approach to the challenges posed by the ongoing global transition.
R3C proposes an interdisciplinary research methodology to measure environmental and socio-economic vulnerabilities of territorial and built-up systems.

Resilience is the Solution
Face uncertainty as if it were your great asset
Resilience as the engine of transformation for cities and regions.
Resilience is the capacity of territorial systems to cope and adapt to environmental and socio-economic vulnerabilities by incorporating changes. In the face of uncertainty, resilience is a huge resource for facing natural and human-related disasters.
R3C work's idea is not living passively environmental and socio-economic vulnerabilities, but to embrace proactively changes building resilience and buffering the impacts of disasters. R3C seeks to contribute to the quest for resilience-based territorial and built-up systems through research and public engagement.

Responsible Governance and Territorial Empowerment
Building a responsible reaction in the age of complexity
Resilience as a long-term governance perspective.
Realising the resilience benefits is often challenging in contemporary cities and regions. Public institutions and local communities need to be supported in the resilient adaptation of their governance processes to tackle local vulnerabilities and to guarantee the safety of territorial heritage.
R3C aims to build institutional and community capacity to enhance resilience towards the Sustainable Development Goals delivering a long-term vision within short political timeframes.